The full list of Huijie DTG RIP shortcuts is directly available in the software from Settings > Shortcuts:
General shortcuts
Command | Windows/Linux | macOS |
Open / Close settings | Ctrl + , | Cmd + , |
Close application | Ctrl + Q | Cmd + Q |
File manager shortcuts
Command | Windows/Linux | macOS |
Select all files | Ctrl + A | Cmd + A |
Navigate through files | keyboard arrows | Keyboard arrows |
Import files | Ctrl + 0 | Cmd + 0 |
Select / Unselect clicked file | Ctrl + click | Cmd + click |
Select multiple files | Shift (hold) + click | Shift (hold) + click |
Shift (hold) + Keyboard arrows | Shift (hold) + Keyboard arrows | |
Delete selected file(s) | Delete, Backspace | Delete, Backspace |
Insert selected file(s) | Enter | Enter |
Studio shortcuts
Command | Windows/Linux | macOS |
Select all images | Ctrl + A | Cmd + A |
Delete selected image(s) | Delete, Backspace | Delete, Backspace |
Zoom in/out | Alt + Mouse scroll wheel | Alt + Mouse scroll wheel |
Navigate in the studio | Shift (hold) + Click and move | Cmd + Click and move |
Mouse scroll wheel (hold) + Move | Mouse scroll wheel (hold) + move |