Sentinel License Development Kit (LDK) is a service used by Caldera to manage both software and hardware-based licenses. Sentinel LDK communicates via TCP and UDP on socket 1947.
Local communication
Under Windows, Sentinel License Manager is a service that is launched automatically by hasplms.exe.
Under macOS and Linux, the Sentinel License Manager is a process launched automatically by hasplmd.
Sentinel License Manager service opens IPv4 socket 1947 (both for UDP packets and TCP packets): localhost:1947
A protected application then tries to connect to TCP to communicate with the Sentinel License Manager.
These local communications currently use IPv4 only.
The communication uses binary data blocks of varying sizes.
Remote communication
The local Sentinel License Manager discovers and communicates with the License Manager on the computer containing the Sentinel protection key using broadcasting. The local Sentinel License Manager issues a UDP broadcast to local subnets on port 1947 using IPv4.
All Sentinel License Managers found by the discovery process are then connected via TCP port 1947, using IPv4 or IPv6 as detected during discovery, and data regarding the remote Sentinel protection keys are transferred.
This discovery process is repeated at certain intervals.
TCP packets between two Sentinel License Managers on different computers use HTTP with base-64 encoded data in the body section.
CalderaRIP connecting to the license
Once the license is registered and imported on a computer, that computer becomes the license server.
The license is then broadcast across the network and any other Caldera, V12 or later, RIP computers can simply attach to it. They become licensed client computers.
On the license client computers, go to CalderaDock > Licenses > Select the right one and click on Attach.
If needed, please refer to Sentinel's documentation for more information.